
As we embark on the new year, many individuals are determined to fulfill their resolutions, often centered around weight loss and adopting the latest diet trends. According to U.S. News & World Report, the top diets of 2019 included the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and the flexitarian diet. However, one diet that has gained immense popularity is the ketogenic diet (keto diet). Countless success stories flood social media platforms, showcasing significant weight loss and improved well-being. In this article, we explore the experiences of individuals in New Orleans who have embraced the keto diet and witness the remarkable transformations they have achieved.

Credit: WWLTV

Candice Briscoe:

A Nurse’s Journey to 145-Pound Weight Loss: Registered nurse Candice Briscoe’s motivation to change her lifestyle came when a bridesmaid’s dress no longer fit her. Determined to make a difference, she adopted the keto diet and experienced a remarkable weight loss of 145 pounds. Joining a local gym for intense workouts and becoming a diet coach, Candice now helps others on their weight loss journeys while enjoying previously restricted foods like cheese, steaks, and sour cream.

Bradley Schneller:

From Junk Food Teen to Fitness Enthusiast: Bradley Schneller, a gym owner, consultant, and father, struggled to see results despite spending hours at the gym. Frustrated, he discovered the keto diet and witnessed a transformation of not only losing nearly 40 pounds but also building lean muscle. Bradley’s confidence soared, and he proudly shed his shirt, embracing a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Kat Stewart:

Overcoming Health Challenges and Embracing Keto: For Kat Stewart, a Children’s Hospital development manager, her journey to the keto diet was prompted by an eye condition called uveitis. Recognizing the link between inflammation and overall well-being, she embarked on a keto diet, resulting in a 15-pound weight loss. Kat’s commitment to keto not only positively impacted her health but also influenced her family, as she shared keto meals with her loved ones and pursued a second job as a health coach.

Understanding the Keto Diet:

The keto diet involves consuming high amounts of healthy fats (70%), moderate protein (20%), and minimal carbohydrates (10%). While beneficial fats from sources such as salmon, avocados, and olive oil are encouraged, the intake of saturated fats from red meat should be moderated. The diet restricts fruit consumption (except for certain berries) and eliminates sugary foods, starches, bread, soft drinks, rice, pasta, potatoes, and alcohol. Surprisingly, heavy cream and butter can be added to coffee, leading to increased energy levels and reduced cravings.

The Science Behind Keto:

The keto diet works by fundamentally changing the body’s metabolism, enabling it to utilize stored fat as the primary source of fuel. By reducing carbohydrate intake and entering a state of ketosis, the body becomes more efficient at burning fat. While some researchers suggest a more moderate form of the diet, studies consistently show the health benefits of reducing refined sugars and processed foods.

Considerations and Expert Insights:

Health professionals emphasize the importance of supervision by a physician while following a ketogenic diet due to potential risks, such as nutrient deficiencies and stress on the kidneys. Additionally, long-term adherence to keto may lead to muscle loss if protein intake is inadequate. Experts recommend moderate variations of the diet and monitoring one’s body composition to ensure fat burning rather than muscle loss. Adequate hydration and regular check-ins with healthcare providers are crucial for success.

Sustainability and Personal Experiences:

Candice, Bradley, and Kat attest to the sustainability of the keto diet and its ability to reduce hunger and control fat storage hormones in the body. They no longer feel addicted to carbs and sugar, experiencing reduced cravings and improved overall well-being. Blood pressure and lab results have also improved, leading to a better quality of life.


The keto diet has transformed the lives of individuals seeking weight loss and improved health. With remarkable success stories and significant transformations, it’s clear that the keto diet can be a viable option for those looking to make lasting changes. However, it’s important to approach the diet with caution, seek medical supervision, and tailor it to individual needs. By understanding the science behind keto and monitoring one’s well-being, individuals can embark on a successful journey towards their weight loss goals and enhance overall health.


Hi there! I'm MN, the founder of MN Creation and Production. We're always here to help, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hello!


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